That weekend someone had hosted a party in Hillside, Penang. It was, as most such evenings were, a rather convivial occasion. The evening progressed and many ales had been consumed. Late in the evening, still standing - after a fashion - I suggested to a mate who shall remain nameless that we take the Galant for a spin around the Island. He showed no hesitation.

Approaching Batu Ferringhi I glanced at the fuel gauge and realised we were almost empty. We had only started our adventure and I could not recall any petrol stations around the back of the Island. Seeing no other option, I turned around and drove slowly home trying to conserve what fuel was left. Yes, we made it back.
That was the only smart decision I made that day. The next, and for some months after, my mate continued to rave about my driving ability. The next day, and to this, I wondered why we weren't dead.
Some young males may grow old because they were smart. This old male doesn't buy lottery tickets. My luck account is well and truly overdrawn.